Thursday, June 17, 2010


I believe that a Nation of 1 should be able to provide temporary or permanent asylum to any foreign citizens, therefore the Constitution should have optional provisions for the case the Nation of 1 becomes Nation of n, with n > 1. Would be useful to tag these optional laws though...
In the case of n > 1, the roles of the citizens with respect to the state may be different and unequal.

Nations of 1 Project

I will begin development of a versioned Constitution template and other tools in a Mercurial repository. Hosted by Google Code. go to No1 Proj.

Minimal Law

As Nations of 1 begin to exist there must be a lawful institutions that can guarantee that other Nations or citizens of other Nations will not interfere with the sovereignty or in any way abuse a Nation of 1.
A Nation of 1 is the extreme of minarchy, but when a Nation of 1 tries but cannot escape the abuse of other Nations, there should be a minimal set of laws that the Nation of 1 recognizes and includes into it's published and versioned constitution, set of laws that should be used for judging any trial with the Nation of 1 as party. In other words: only the laws adhered by in the Nation of 1 should be used for passing judgment in a Nation of 1 trial. It is the responsibility of the Nation to keep a sufficient set of laws published in such a way as to guard its life, liberty, and property and to abide to such laws.
This advocates and requires polycentric law in order to be implemented.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Nations of 1

I have this idea that, at birth, the human being should be an independent nation/country/state.

Why would one loose this right straight from birth and not have a say about upholding independence or decline it and become part of a larger nation/country/state?

Or: at any point in time, during the life of one, one should be able to redeem one's independence form all and any nations/countries/states. Once independence gained, all countries should respect it as such and contact established (or not) only by normal diplomatic agencies.

Of course, this is an answer to the movement towards Globalization and goes in the opposite direction, maybe to an extreme, hopefully on a correct philosophical premise. In the subsequent postings I would like to analize exactly that.