Thursday, June 17, 2010

Minimal Law

As Nations of 1 begin to exist there must be a lawful institutions that can guarantee that other Nations or citizens of other Nations will not interfere with the sovereignty or in any way abuse a Nation of 1.
A Nation of 1 is the extreme of minarchy, but when a Nation of 1 tries but cannot escape the abuse of other Nations, there should be a minimal set of laws that the Nation of 1 recognizes and includes into it's published and versioned constitution, set of laws that should be used for judging any trial with the Nation of 1 as party. In other words: only the laws adhered by in the Nation of 1 should be used for passing judgment in a Nation of 1 trial. It is the responsibility of the Nation to keep a sufficient set of laws published in such a way as to guard its life, liberty, and property and to abide to such laws.
This advocates and requires polycentric law in order to be implemented.

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