Tuesday, September 28, 2010

More abour UDSN

Paricular Cases for UDSN

Idioms and Expressions: will be treated as group of words with only one semantic id:
56342 could mean: |listen up|_1 or simply |listen up| (idiom "listen up", meaning number 1).
Note that the use of | delimiter (or any other agreed-upon delimiter) is required for idioms and expressions in UDSN.

Quotations and Escapes: could be treated as idioms and expressions: delimited likewise, but with a meaning id of 0 (zero): |"Some quoted text that is impossible to translate to USDN or escaped for a while. Maybe because the original author is dead or other reasons - like laziness."|_0.
Note that the id of 0 is also required as it signifies that the meaning is undefined at the text's TRP.

More on TRP:

  • Any TRP should provide the meaning definitions written in UDSN.
  • Any multiple-language TRP version should have unique semantic id for the same meaning in all languages. e.g.: word_1 in English has id of say 9387, same as mot_1 in French.
  • Any multiple-language TRP version should have same ordinal meanings for every word in all languages. e.g.: word_x in English has the same meaning as mot_x in French.

Advantages of UDSN:

  • Any word, sentence, paragraph, or text should become uniquely-defined as semantic value.That is to say: without ambiguities.
  • An official/public text will increase its clarity and transparency.
  • Less conflict due to misunderstandings. Fewer jobs for lawyers ;)
  • The text will be ready to be consumed by artificial intelligence or automated processors.
  • The text will have an uniquely-defined translation into other languages. Ready for correct automated translation.
Disadvantages of UDSN:
  • Time-consuming composition and/or notation.
  • Errors may appear in the process of notation.

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